Looking for love!
When I turned on the twoheartsmeet phone this morning, there was a message from a lady whom I’ll call Anne. She had been searching the internet about a year ago for dating sites in Ireland but more specifically matchmaking sites and she found me. She was a divorced lady in her early 60’s and hadn’t done much dating since leaving her marriage ten years earlier. I confirmed to her that I matched older people who were looking for love second time around. So Anne joined up and was looking forward to meeting her special man! I matched her last summer and she was messaging me to say thank you for sending Liam her way, that they are both really happy and are compatible in so many ways.
Ticking the boxes!
It got me thinking about them and how they have made a go of it. When Anne joined up she had very few criteria that she was looking for in a partner. He didn’t have to be tall, dark and handsome! Even though she was in a professional career herself, it didn’t matter whether he was or not as long as they could have some interesting conversations. I remember she said at the profiling “I’m not looking for the sun, moon and stars. Just someone who has a caring nature, whose company I will enjoy and who I can feel comfortable with”.
Giving Love a chance!
At the time that Anne joined up, I had matched Liam (who was a widower in his late 60’s who had lost his wife to cancer four years earlier) with two other ladies but neither of them met him more than once, citing that he was not confident enough. Yet, when Anne met him, even though she thought he was a bit on the quiet side, she was willing to give it a chance and see what may develop over time. She could clearly see that he wasn’t self centered but was a kind and caring person and that was the most important quality to her.
Hanging in there!
Over a few months, his confidence grew as he became more comfortable in the relationship and now he is a lot more chatty and sure of himself. I suppose the moral of the story is, if you are willing to turn a blind eye to some character traits, you could discover that it was well worth investing time in the relationship as it could pay dividends in friendship, love and romance. Not to mention a life long partner!
Find out more and get in touch through our website Twoheartsdating.com or on our contact page or just phone/email us on Email: eithne@twoheartsdating.com
Mobile: 085 77 42 444